Involvi s-settur industrijali fit-trasformazzjoni tas-sistemi tal-ETV, sabiex tissodisfa l-ħtieġa ta 'ħiliet diġitali konsistenti mal-iżviluppi teknoloġiċi fl-industriji.TARGET GROUP
Persunal tal-intraprendituri u kumpaniji, persunal tal-amministrazzjoni pubblika, persunal tal-Fornituri tal-ETV u studenti, professjonisti li biħsiebhom iħarrġu jew jerġgħu jħarrġu sabiex jakkwistaw ħiliet speċifiċi fuq l-Industrija 4.0. eċċRIŻULTATI
Taħriġ diġitali stabbilit għall-industriji 4.0, kurrikulu / qafas għal veterinarji f'industriji 4.0, studji ta 'każijiet 4.0 tal-industrija u rakkomandazzjonijiet ta' politika.IMSIEĦBA
Tim ta ’8 organizzazzjonijiet minn Spanja, il-Bulgarija, il-Greċja, l-Iskozja, l-Italja u Malta.Latest Posts
Read all about the RESTART project and its results!
CONTEXT The evolution of European industries is supported by digital solutions and is depicted in what is so-called “Industry 4.0”. A survey conducted by the European Social Fund on the monitoring of the professional needs of the industry reveals a mismatch between demand and supply of skilled workforce. Businesses demand workers specialized in digital skills
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RESTART: a commitment to industry 4.0
On January 19th, the RESTART – Digital Training Toolbox to Foster EU’s Industry 4.0 Revolution project, led by EVM, concluded after 2 years of intense work in the field of digital skills and digital transformation of business environments. Made up of an international consortium of 8 European entities, RESTART is a clear commitment to the
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Digital skills fundamental to facilitate integration of migrants in host countries
On January 14th 2020, Enaip Veneto participated in the conference Building a Whole-of-Society Approach to Emerging Migration and Integration Challenges at the OECD Centre. The conference tackled emerging challenges such as changing labor markets, technological advances, forced displacement and population dynamics. The labor market is changing fast: 14% of jobs across the OECD face a high likelihood of automation and
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Economy 4.0: shaping a future that works for everybody
On the 4th December 2019 36.6 Competence Centre (Scotland) attended the latest AER (Assembly of European Regions) meeting, which took place in Brussels. The meeting was based on the Economy 4.0 and how changes taking place would affect the economy through innovations, education and sustainability. The meeting included 4 workshops in which 36.6 CC (Scotland)
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On Tuesday 15th October, the final conference of the RESTART 4.0 project was held: an important moment for the presentation of the tools developed and the main results emerged. The two-year project, started in October 2017, has allowed to foster relations between the industrial sector and professional training institutions in order to improve the matching
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The final Conference of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “RESTART 4.0” (Digital Training Toolbox to FosteR EU’S IndusTry 4.0 RevoluTion) will be held in Padua, Italy. With Industry 4.0 constantly developing at an unprecedented rate, the world of education and work is having to adapt its methods
What is the connection between Industry 4.0 and industrial data analysis?
When asking a question like this, one must look a little deeper. Understanding the meaning behind industrial data is basically the way to see the connection with Industry 4.0. The real question is not how these two are connected but how are they not!
Industry 4.0 and its effect on e-commerce
In the real world of business, e-commerce is the new way of things. It is not a new practice and it has been helping the worldwide market to take the next step.
Industry 4.0 and Labour Market in Italy
Every year, Italian Chambers of Commerce publish a survey containing a detailed forecast of labour market needs in Italy.
Training course “Introduction to 4.0 for SMEs”
On 7th June 2019 the innovative training course called “Restart 4.0” started on the premises of Enaip Veneto in Padova.
The power of Industry 4.0 Simulation
We already know Industry 4.0 is driving things forward in a very fascinating way. One of the technologies which has given its fair share to the wonder of Industry 4.0 is Simulation: the computer model which can mimic the operation of any real or suggested system. Perhaps the best way simulation can help an organization
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E-commerce strengthens its advance in Spain
In the third quarter of 2018, e-commerce revenue experienced a year-on-year growth rate of 29.9% and exceeds 10.1 billion, which reflects the good performance of the sector.
AI in Industry 4.0
In its present concept, Industry 4.0 is a combination of quite a few technologies: Cloud, Big Data, Cyber Security, Mobile Solutions, Artificial Intelligence and the list goes on. Amongst the ones we just mentioned, there is a technology and in fact a whole science, dedicated to making human life much easier i.e. Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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The RESTART training is about to begin!
The RESTART project continues to foster the transition towards Industry 4.0 by bringing an innovative training course on the topic.
The RESTART partnership in Larissa!
The 4th meeting of the RESTART partnership took place in Larissa, Greece on April 2nd hosted by the Institute of the Entrepreneurship Development.
How is industry 4.0 evolving?
The 2018 Future of Jobs Report states that: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution is interacting with other socio-economic and demographic factors to create a perfect storm of business model change in all industries ”.
New steps forward in Industry 4.0
The latest news on Industry 4.0 come straight from Genoa and from the Italian mobile phone companies.
How Industry 4.0 changes businesses
Industry 4.0 is the name that has been given to the modern trend of trying to automate everything in the manufacturing sector. Automation can save big companies and industries a lot of time and money.
Blockchain and Industry 4.0
The idea behind blockchains was developed in early 2007. With some research, one will find that blockchains are mostly known for their use towards cryptocurrency farming and exchanging.
RESTART: 3rd transnational project meeting in Glasgow, Scotland
The 3rd Transnational meeting took place in Glasgow – UK and was attended by all project partners, it provided the partners with the opportunity to evaluate and discuss the work to-date, the produced materials and the Trainers week in Malta, and presented a platform for a general overview of the project activities.
Short-term joint staff training in Malta
In September, an activity of the RESTART group took place in Malta, where a specific training action on transition to Industry 4.0 was held for the staff of the entities participating in the RESTART 4.0 project.
The jobs of the future
Digital transformation is not taking place in same speed and in the same way in all countries. The introduction of new technologies in industry, in companies and in the Public Administration has led to the emergence of new professions and to profound changes in the tasks, skills and abilities of individuals and groups
How can Lean Management and Industry 4.0 supplement each other?
This article describes how both production paradigms could solve challenges in manufacturing. The possibility to manufacture personalized products is key in a globalized and digitally connected world.
Why Big Data matters
Ever wondered how much data you as an individual generate? Furthermore, ever wondered how much data all of us generate? To be honest we can’t even begin to wrap our mind around the number – 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day, according to a recent research!
Asset management in Industry 4.0
For most of the enterprises out there, successful asset management is a key to growth. It would make sense that companies need to continually work on the improvement and management of their assets, especially when today’s industrial markets are exceedingly fast-paced.
Industry 4.0 in Spain: regional policies
The Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and Castilla-La Mancha are the three Spanish regions with the lowest number of policy initiatives to support industry 4.0.
Integrating technologies for further growth
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is currently underway and it is transforming the way that products are manufactured, used, maintained as well as the organisations themselves. By integrating digital information from various sources, real-time access to data will be made available.
Preparing the work force for Industry 4.0
Five years from now, over one-third of skills (35%) that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed.
Increased recognition of transversal skills in the context of Industry 4.0
The Industry revolution 4.0 taking place today is not only about technology and digitalisation, but it also concerns people, skills and relations.
Are you ready for Industry 4.0?
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is the key: how many times have we been told that, when talking about the future of economy but also of society, education and governance? I4.0 is going to change not only the products and services that will be produced and offered in the future, but also our way of working and
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The Survey Results are In
On conclusion of the survey and on reflection of the results it was obvious that there is currently a wide divide of 4.0 Digital Skill levels across the project partner countries, employers and government bodies.
The National Restart Survey
The Restart Project reached another milestone last month on the completion of the Analysing of the initial survey across partners countries through a mix of on-line research and desk research.
Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution. It calls for a dynamic transformation of how all aspects of business and production are done. A new wave of global technology will change global production.
2nd project meeting in Muskiz, Spain
Restart project’s second transnational Project meeting took place in Muskiz, Bizkaia, Spain on 8th and 9th of March, 2018. Centro de Formación Somorrostro hosted the consortium in their facilities, where the project members had the opportunity to go over already implemented tasks as well as to fine tune next project activities.
How much do you know about Industry 4.0?
Little is known about “The 4th Industrial Revolution”, leading people to think that the concept represents something that is far, far away from us, that constitutes a later evolution of Industry that hasn’t happened yet. But, is that the case?
The RESTART project is on!
During the last few decades, there have been quite a few changes in the way people live, communicate and function. We are not aware of many of these changes up until we included them in our lifestyle, while others are an intricate part of it without us knowing it.